John Brawl

It was a normal day for John. He was surfing the web for some old game systems on eBay when he saw an ad, it said, "Free Nintendo Wii, Free Shipping, with 5 Free Popular Wii Titles! Just Click here!" He clicked the ad and typed in the information they told him to provide, knowing that's totally safe to do, of course.
After he confirmed everything a text popped up saying "Thank you for your time, the package will arrive in 3-5 business days." John waited as the days flew by and the day finally came. He ran out the door for the mail, picked up his package. When he ran inside he yelled, "IT'S HERE! IT'S FINALLY HERE!"
He ran up to his room and was so excited he didn't know what he'd do. His brother David asked him what was in the mail and John replied, "A Wii I got for free online!"
"Sweet! Can I play it with you?" David asked.
"Sure!" John replied and they ran down stairs to plug in the Wii, not caring if there was any games in the box.
After they got it hooked up and everything David asked what games it came with. John forgot and ran upstairs yelling back, "Hang on, let me check!" When he got to his room all that was left in the box was a SD card. He was confused as it said that it was coming with five popular Wii titles. John went back downstairs in disappointment. David asked, "Well what games did it come with?"
"None, but there is this SD card."John replied.
"What's on the SD card?" David asked.
"Let's find out," John replied, quickly putting the SD card in and turning on the Wii. Instead of it booting up like it normally did back in the past it booted up with the Wii channels showing up with all blood red and music playing in reverse. John thought this was strange, but paid no attention to the demon possessing his free console.
He checked the SD card and there were five save files but something was strange about each one. The first save file was a save file from Super Mario Galaxy but renamed Super David Galaxy and had David's face as the icon. The second save file was a save file from Super Mario Galaxy 2 but renamed Super Anna Galaxy 2 and had John's Mom's face as the icon.
Third save file was from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess but renamed The Legend of Joe: BloodLight Princess and had John's Dad's face as the icon. Fourth save file was from Super Smash Bros Brawl but renamed John Brawl and had John's face as the icon. The final save file was from Wii Sports but renamed Wii Bloodsport and had a demonic Mii laughing and chanting pig Latin as the save icon.
John and David were both surprised at what they saw on the SD card and decided that they were just pranks trying to scare them, so they decided to go to the store and buy the two games that had the names of their save file. David got Super Mario Galaxy, and John got Super Smash Bros Brawl. After they got home they popped Super Mario Galaxy into the system but the strange thing about it was that instead of saying "Super Mario Galaxy" on the screen it read out "Super David Galaxy". This was also completely unalarming.
Since it was about David, he got to play first. He began playing and instead of Mario appearing it was him. He couldn't believe it- it was actually him. He could do all of Mario's moves but it looked weird when he was doing the jump and ground pound attack. He reached the first boss: "Piranha", but instead, the boss on the planet he flew onto was their mom, and when the text showed up on the screen, Anna appeared instead of Piranha.
After he beat the boss, the cut scene played showing David actually killing his mom. The camera zooms out on what used to be Bowser showing Joe their dad saying, "I've got to get out here!" and running off. After the screen faded, a text showed up on the screen saying "Joe is next!" David quickly turned the game off.
"What was that all about?" John asked.
"I- I don't know... let's play Super Smash Bros Brawl," David said.
"Okay," John said, opening the Super Smash Bros Brawl case. When they started to play, it ran as normal as could be but all of a sudden it changed. The title read "John Brawl". They then knew something was up about the Wii but they didn't bother, because who would, amirite? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They wanted to see how it was so they played anyways. When David pressed start to join, it automatically made his character David. They were both surprised the system knew who they were, so they began to play it but the really strange thing was that the enemies were all the things he hated. He thought it was cool that he could beat up everything he hated but what really confused him was when they got to the first boss text appeared on screen saying, "Oh no he found me!" showing that the boss was their dad referring from Super David Galaxy.
After they beat the boss it ended with David violently ripping his dad's head off and throwing at the screen with a horrible high pitched scream. It was so loud it made glass burst and the power went out. The TV turned on with text on the screen: "You did it! You beat our game!"
"What game?" David shouted and the text on the screen replied:
"Y̗̫͎͎̱̻͢ǫ͇͍̤ͅu̱͚͕'̶̝͟l̡̹͎̤̱̩̀̕l̶̷̛̥̲̞̹͇͎̝͔ ̸̨҉̬s̲̩o҉̪ͅo̬͇̼̜͙n̫͉͙͈͈̭͙͡ ̟͔̹̰́͝f̧͖̪͇̮̤̠̻i̢̛̲̲̖͚͉͡n͕̹̦̥d̷̞͠͞ ̱̹̜̪̹͈ǫ̠̣͓̻̻̯u̴̸̯̯̞̱̦͓t͔̳͓̀͞!͚̱͇̭̫̀"
A horrible scream came from the TV and the power came back on. It was night time.
"I'm off to bed, you should be, too," David said. John shook his head in agreement. When they got up the next morning the car was in the front yard meaning that Mom and Dad was home. They ran downstairs but instead of a nice hello it was a sad goodbye. In front of them were the remains of their parents, Anna's back all broken up and face mashed up, and Joe's head on the table. It was a bloody mess. On the TV screen with text read out:
"Thank You for Playing."
From that day on neither John or David spoke of it and never again would they play that Wii.

If ur dumb or something

If you couldn't tell, this was a faithful update to one of the best crepypasters to exist, Alex Melee. hope u enjoyed :^)